Thursday 27 September 2012

Magic Fix #14: Toddler Art Made Fun!

Lately, I have been more than a little challenged by my three year old son. He has been getting quite restless and bored with the same old, same old activities and toys I pull out for him each and every day. When my son gets bored, he empties my make up down the drain and does other similar activities that cause some major hair pulling on my part. With desperation, I scrambled for  inspiration from my Pinterest here and here and I think that I've found the perfect activity to keep a 'car mad' little boy happy for quite a while!

Take a boy and his dinky cars.
Give him two colors of paint and a long piece of paper.
Now let him loose for hours of fun making car tracks for miles and miles.

He will even do the washing up for you!

You will end up with some abstract expressionist art to boot.

If it was up to my hubby, our son will spend his day at the park. I like to muck about with art and craft, so that is what I do during my time with him. I've been reading here about how mums tend to compare themselves with other mums and feel guilty that they are not good enough. I say that we are all great mums, if we love our children. What is important is 'being' with them and not what we 'do' with them or even 'give' them! I have found that the 'magic fix' for feeling not 'good enough' is to do, as often as possible, what inspires and bring joy to both my son and I. Its all the little moments that you share together that matter the most, after all! 


  1. This is brilliant and so creative! Thanks for is a great idea. Art always works wonders on my children (especially when later afternoon chaos seems to set in). xx- Monica

    1. Thanks Monica! It's great that you stopped by and for leaving such a lovely comment. It's the late afternoons that I tend to use art too, it really does work wonders! Btw how did you find this site? I visited your site and it looks amazing...did you set it up yourself? I'm really new to this and would really appreciate some tips.


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